A Short History of Advent Lighthouse Ministries
One night back in 2003 while my wife and I and our three children were still living in Sweden, as I was studying that night, I came across several extremely powerful statements from the Pen of Inspiration that completely shook me and changed all our lives. These statements were part of a series of statements that focused on the foreigners of America and their need for what inspiration calls “the truth for this time.” One of the first statements I read that night is from The Review and Heralds, October 29, 1914; “God would be pleased to see far more accomplished by His people in the presentation of the truth for this time to the foreigners of America than has been done in the past.” I couldn’t believe what I was reading. After all, I had immigrated with my family to the United States in 1979 and because of that, I could really appreciate these statements. I was an Iranian Muslim that had benefited from hearing the Gospel in the United States and thus became a follower of Jesus Christ. That night as I read and reread those statements something happened inside of me. I was completely overwhelmed and felt a burning desire that I needed to answer that call. I could not sleep, I tossed and turned in my bed thinking about what I had read. That’s when I heard God’s voice through a powerful impression that told me we needed to go back to America and start a ministry that would focus on reaching the immigrant populations. I was especially overwhelmed by the next statement, I felt it directly spoke to me; “Great benefits would come to the cause of God in the regions beyond if faithful effort were put forth in behalf of the foreigners in the cities of our homeland. Among these men and women are some who, upon accepting the truth, could soon be fitted to labor for their own people in this country and in other countries. Many might return to the places from which they came, in the hope of winning their friends to the truth. They could search out their kinsfolk and neighbors, and communicate to them a knowledge of the third angel's message.” The Review and Herald, October 29, 1914In 2004 we left Sweden and moved back to America. God miraculously connected us with individuals in the church that was instrumental in helping us start the work and soon with the help of God we started Advent Lighthouse Ministries and for the next ten years we labored to reach my people group in North America and Europe. In 2014 I was hired by one of our Seventh-day Adventist territories in west Asia and we worked for two years over there. During that time, we planted three churches and baptized 35 individuals, and because of pioneering that work today, there are several hundred converts scattered in west Asia who love and serve Jesus Christ.Won’t you please consider partnering with us as we work to reach the immigrants of North America and Europe with the three angels messages of Revelation 14.
Pastor Shahbaz
Shahbaz B., Founder
Pastor Shahbaz was born in Iran to a Muslim family. He and his family immigrated to the United States in 1979. At the age of 18, Shahbaz had a powerful conversion experience that forever changed his life. When he sought forgiveness for his sins Christ came to him in a vision and Shahbaz became a Christian.
With a strong cross-cultural background, and a deep love for soul-winning Shahbaz has served the Seventh-day Adventist church for over 22 years as an author, pastor, teacher, and evangelist. He is a sought-out speaker with engaging and timely messages that have helped thousands to get ready for the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As a pastor and church planter Shahbaz successfully planted the first Persian speaking SDA church outside of Iran baptizing 27 individuals in just one year.
His work as an evangelist has taken him to many countries and several continents around the globe with exciting results.
His passion for getting the Word out has earned him the respect of many in the church and today Pastor Shahbaz serves Advent Lighthouse Ministries as ministry speaker and president.